Number: 6001-A
Artist: Mayesh, Jack
Other Artists: Oriental Orchestra: Violin, ut, Theodore Kappas, Kanoon
Matrix: Balkan 6001-A
Song Title: Ven canario
Language: Ladino
Comments: Based on the Turkish song Benim güzel bübülim (My beautiful
nightingale). In Greek: To Kanarini. Performed by R. Eskenazi
Recorded: June-July 1948
Where recorded: NY, NY, United States
Coupled with
Number: 6001-B
Artist: Mayesh, Jack
Other Artists: Oriental Orchestra: Violin, ut, Theodore Kappas, Kanoon
Matrix: Balkan 6001-B
Song Title: Porque no me amates
Language: Ladino
Comments: Based on the Turkish song Bekledim de gelmedim
Recorded: June-July 1948
Where recorded: NY, NY, United States
Size: 10 inches
Listing Source: Reviewed
Public Institutions: Florida Atlantic University
Date Source: Mayesh |